Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Projects we've had materials for "forever"

Chain link around wading pool area off patio; cemented in other two fence posts and other gate post; replaced old wooden lattice work with white vinal latice my sister GAVE me, string up grape vines that have grown for three years on new white vinyl latice work.

Gee Whiz! Where can we buy enough rock to make a path to the garden so we don't get our feet wet everytime we water. Good question if rocks didn't grow in our yard. It's easy to dig a hole here; just remove the rocks and take out the teaspoon of dirt. Add dirt from someplace else to pack in the rocks or posts.

This is my green house window for my kitchen.

We had two mismatched 30 year old windows lined up to pretend they were double pained, put in long before I ever bought the house four year ago.
The wind leaked in around them like there were no windows there.

My precious, well meaning brother, bought the green house from
Habitat for Humanity three years ago,
and was going to install it for me,
but then was going to install it next door
when he built that house,
but didn't and had it in the garbagevtrailer
to haul to the dump.
I asked if I could buy it from him and he let me take it free.

It sat on my patio gathering dirt for another year,
and the wind blew it over, breaking most the glass.

My crafts man replaced the glass and installed it last week end,

in the process fixing the electric wires that hung in the water drain,

and calked it with double pain glass, then ceremic tiled the bottom.

More photos later. It is a work of art in progress.

This is the first mural my grandkids and I made after we painted the very old weathered fence we share with the neighbors; Canyon Cove Assisted Living Center. We also help them out with church services on Sundays.
The mural represents "hands around the world" for Growing Together" The kids had a blast painting their hands, and Uncle Monte lifted them up and pressed their painty hands against the world that I had painted earlier. My husband Steve outlined in and enlarged it from an atlas picture of the world. Good to have an artist in the family, and an Uncle who will brave the little rug rats with painty hands. Thanks to all who contributed. My daughters cringe and turn their heads when I let their kids do crafts. They say they are glad I do things with the kids, but they don't like the messes. What messes? You just hose them down after. I try to keep lots of play shirts to go over their clothing from Savers. Sometimes we miss and stain a cuff or sleeve, but my daughters appear to forgive me.

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